The news plays in the background , it’s been on repeat all day,
In synchrony with the monotone beeps-
and hums of the machines.
I sit alone in this hospital bed,
They tell me in less than a year I’ll be dead,
I was diagnosed right after you left and since then its spread.
It metastasized in my lungs,
I can barely breath-
The weight of all it just collapses into me.
My heart is so heavy, and they say that –
I loved you so deeply ,
That when you left it killed me.
The cuts drained me-
My blood poured out,
With all my guts,
Intestines and gore –
All because you wanted more than all of me.
The toxins ate away at my flesh,
And I have rotted from the inside,
I’m pale and grey now,
Weak and frail, nothing like I used to be-
But all things do die eventually, and truthfully-
I never really saw myself ever being much older –
I couldn’t really picture my face on the woman holding the toddler,
My bones aging with the roots I built,
I guess I never saw myself getting over the hill.
It makes sense, this destiny –
I was always meant to give,
With every last piece of me,
And now my bodies running on empty,
because I have nothing left to give.