No, I Don’t Miss You at All…
I Don’t Miss You at All
I don’t miss the butterflies in my stomach waking up next to you-
It’s true, I don’t miss the annoyingly cute things you used to do.
Or how the sun would flood through the windows in the early morning light,
And illuminate your face-
Those images have been replaced with a far more neutral empty space.
Honestly, I sleep way better now; I’m not drawn to your body,
Or feel inclined to hold anyone or anything because of the way it made me feel-
My arms are much freer now that they’re not acting as blankets wrapping you up at night.
My shoulder isn’t a pillow set for catching tears,
And my hands don’t have to hold yours, I drive much safer now with them both on the steering wheel.
I don’t miss your smile at all- or how it devoured any bad in the day,
Or how I selfishly looked forward to embracing you after a long day, or short day, at work-
I much prefer the tranquility of the encapsulation in the evenings dark.
It’s nice not combing the grocery isles thinking of what you’d like, or what you’d actually eat,
Or finding the perfect booth seat next to you when cooking was just too much-
More than anything I don’t miss your touch.
I don’t miss planning my nights and weekends around what I wanted to do with you-
Or thinking of all the trips I wanted to take you to.
And I won’t need to pack extra jackets and blankets because you were always cold,
So that leaves a lot of extra baggage for me to carry of my own-
And now there’s lots of extra space in the house we called our home.
Truthfully, I feel much better not thinking of your family and mine –
Or who’s we’ll go to around this next holiday time.
Or having Sunday dinners — or dinners at all,
I don’t miss the texts, photos, or face time calls.
And it’s nice not finding trinkets that show you , you were on my mind,
My home is less of a fire hazard now that I don’t want to set up the flowers and candles,
It’s much calmer without the need to set up any surprises-
The only person I need to build for is myself.
I don’t miss thinking of the future and all the wonder it held,
I much prefer to forget the things I felt.
I don’t miss having a favorite person,
Or telling stories that start with do you remember when?
I don’t miss the laughing or the fun,
Some say it’s easier said than done-
So, I say I don’t miss you at all,
And someday I won’t miss you at all.