The Three Unfortunate, Shitty Truths About People

Ayla Chase
5 min readJul 13, 2020


The Three Unfortunate, Shitty Truths About People

As someone who has always held the belief that relationships are single handedly the most crucial aspect of our lives — and I mean relationships in a very dynamic way not just the unilateral romantic kind; but in friendships, family, community and ourselves through our intrinsic development and self-growth, so it’s hard for me to hone in on the unfortunate, shitty truths about people and how they relate to us in our life…


Yeah it’s shitty we pour ourselves into someone else, we make sure they know they’re our priority; hold their hair back while they projectile vomit all over your bathroom floor- then clean it up, dedicate our evenings to making sure they eat after a long day because we know they wouldn’t on their own, and providing a hand to hold and shoulder to cry on when emotions are just well being emotional. Life is fucking hard but being a friend and considerate partner shouldn’t be ; some things for how immensely complicated they can be are summed up by one simplicity , sometimes it’s as simple as simply just fucking being there and unfortunately the shitty truth is sometimes those people we tear ourselves into pieces to cover their wounds for won’t do the same because you’re not the same priority for them. It’s shitty and it hurts but the truth is when people want to be somewhere , they generally are- they say actions speak louder than words especially when they’re not present enough to be audible at all.


I genuinely believe no one wakes up and thinks to themselves how can I be the biggest asshole today? As my boy buddha has said, “ The mind is everything, what you think you become”. When someone lives in a cold dark world warmed only by the frigid air blowing relentlessly through their hollow soul they tend to displace that rigidity in their actions whether they identify it as such or not — alright maybe that seems a little cold but the reality is everyone has an infinitely different human experience up until, with, and after our interactions with them and we as humans are wildly exceptional at projecting our intrinsic battles onto those around us, our relationships, and through our looking glass out at the world which further manifests and perpetuates the thought and action cycle. Though our experiences may be similar they are never quite the same and as such empathy exudes, hopefully, but inevitably at our core we are very survivalist creatures and with our ongoing upgrade culture mentality we’re increasingly seeking out more for ourselves in a variety of ways with a diminishing value on relationships with longevity. Longevity being the pivotal mindset because it implies long term which illicitly includes good and bad , easy, and hard…work and play etc. I’m getting at that not everything is happy go lucky all the time; things worth having take time and effort but that’s an antiquated concept in todays world so a sad unfortunate , shitty truth is people are largely looking out for what’s best for them, right here, right now to feel the best in that moment and subsequently are inherently capable of showcasing that additional assholeness to get there regardless of the ramifications.


Yeah, I get in some cases maybe this isn’t an unfortunate, shitty thing you may better off without that toxic particular person, but in the case of any loss it’s a tumultuous tragic travesty because any one person is entirely irreplaceable. Their echoing laugh, their brilliant smile, or witty rebuttals — their grasp on your universe when they grip your hand tight, or the way they smell when you’re nestled up against them. You’ll never , ever have that same experience again and it’s a fucking shame sometimes but people put themselves through rapids ripping apart their insides to tear themselves away from someone they love for reasons they can’t comprehend or understand themselves but fear of the unknown- which seems a bit paradoxical since all of life and death itself is comprised of nothing but unknowns. The unfortunate , shitty truth is however much you love or hate someone their footprints are forever imprinted on your sands of time and there will never be anyone quite like them because we are all just a dime a 7 billion.

The unfortunate , shitty truth is it’s hard to come across people who more often than not digress past these three unfortunate, shitty truths — they’re there for us, generally avoid being that asshole and stick through the muck for the beach, and recognize and appreciate that alone we are infinity unique let alone when and how we’re coupled with our pairing in all its spectacular chemistries, compatibilities, and love …

the improbable statistical anomaly that fate/destiny/God — whatever you believe in, brought us together in the first place the least we can do is hold on tight to the good people when we have them but the unfortunate, shitty truth about people is they don’t and it leaves those of us that do trapped under their wavetops gasping for breath feeling too weak with no desire to attempt to break free from its undertow ,content in its relentless pulling under.

I can see the beam of light break through the surface but I don’t have it in me to swim toward it anymore because the truth is I’m scared to get out of your waters. Once I’m out of your current who will you be to me but a tragic memory of something that I thought was so beautiful, even as I drowned, sinking into you. The unfortunate, shitty truth is though I may survive with a new appreciation for life eventually, the scars never heal, the fear never fades, and the sounds of the wavetops never stop crashing in our memories…



Ayla Chase
Ayla Chase

Written by Ayla Chase

Maybe the meaning of life is as simple as simply finding some meaning in your life and sharing it. dog lover. wisdom seeker. #lifesachase

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